Friday, February 6, 2009

Skunked Dog

(CH 13-15)
I laughed out loud when Zebediah asked ED (skipping the periods in E.D. from here on out) "Who Skunked your dog?"

(Can you think of any similar metaphors? i.e. My dad used to ask - "What got your underwear in a bundle?")

Many things are bothering ED. List them, with the one you think is bothering her the most at the top. Justify item #1.


Ben said...

In a list, here’s what I think annoys E.D. the most:
1. Jake, of all people, finding the butterfly, which was squashed.
2. The actual music in The Sound of Music.
3. Jake himself.
4. Being the only non-artist in the family.
5. Being the only one that can remember certain things.
As for a metaphor, there’s “Don’t get your knickers in a not”, and my favorite, “Don’t get your trousers in a twist”. Those are the two I would have probably used.

Mr. Z said...

I would say that the #1 irritant would be Jake getting a part it the play. This would place him in the 'artist' category - and leave her all alone on the non-artist side (a category of her own making).

I am sure Jake finding the butterfly was also a very difficult 'pill to swallow'.

Do you think any other members of the family would be able to give their own projects a 'B'?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to agree with Ben on #1 annoyance to to E.D. being Jake finding the butterfly she wanted to finish her project with. E.D. makes the claim that now she has to give the credit to both of them and the Butterfly Project was one thing she has consistently not wanted to share with him since he came.