Thursday, February 12, 2009


(Ch 18 & 19)
In today's reading, ED experiences an epiphany. What is it? (Yes - start by looking up the word.)

At the beginning of Chapter 18 it says that Jake had 'finished gelling his hair' as he looks in the mirror to figure out if he can pass for 17. I was unclear if 'gelling his hair' meant he is still sporting the Mohawk. What do you think?

The transformation (dare I say metamorphosis) of Jake continues. What is happening with him? Is it believable? What would this suggest was at the root of his previous shocking behaviour?


Ben said...

In chapter 19, all the tech people from the play quit, and everyone is asked to help out. E.D.’s father tells E.D. that she is needed the most for this play. This makes E.D. realize that she isn’t the least recognized person in the family. She has gone from this person that feels she is the least recognized person in the family to feeling very important.

I think that while it won’t be for much longer, I think that Jake is still spiking his hair. I actually see Jake as sort of a teenager in my head, the spiked hair being my main thought. I know he’s thirteen, but he is still technically a teenager.

In chapter 18, Jake captures caterpillars in order to finish the butterfly project. He’s gotten to be a very helpful, happy, and overall good kid. He has realized that there are ways to get noticed without using parrot words. I have no clue what will happen next in this transformation.

Anonymous said...

Has Jake really transformed or is his foray into the world of butterfly naturalist just one more way to compete with E.D.?
She is beside herself when he captures those caterpillars to show Destiny how butterflies metamorphose in real life, not through a model. Should E.D. be jealous or happy that Destiny has so attached himself to Jake?
What is up with naming the dog after a brand of cigarettes? The author cannot be saying that cigarettes are good for you?

Mr. Z said...

I was happy for ED and her father's acknowledgment of her talents.

As for Jake, I always tell my kids to ignore annoying behavior that bothers them and it will stop. It is no longer fun when noone is annoyed. Of course it is much easier to put that into practice in a book then in real life.

Winston named after a cigarette brand? When I heard his name I was thinking he was a dog version of Winston Churchill. Now I am pondering other possible Winston references.
I just heard a story on the radio about the Jewelry maker Harry Winston but I do not see that as the connection.
Winston(-Salem) North Carolina?
Goerge Winston (Piano Player)?