Thursday, December 20, 2007

Reviews in?

I do not want to give away any of the closing details so I will not write about what happens in the last two chapters of the book. Some of the questions I had were answered. Others remain unclear to me. I am curious about how the author made her choices. Some I agree with and others I am puzzled by.

Though the book is over, work remains.

Ben, I would like you to write a review of this book.
Two important things to think about:
- Who is the audience of your review? Potential readers? Parents deciding if their child should read the book? Librarians deciding if they should put it on the shelves? The Author? Someone else?
(What might you write in a review directed at parents that you would not write in a review directed to other kids?)
- You thoughts should be supported by the text.
(Use specific example to support conclusions or observations.)

What was Avi's advice for writers?

This will be an edited piece of work. Because of the holiday break, it would be great if we could get the first draft should be finished Friday, but quality is more important then speed.
(Outline the writing first with a graphic organizer?)

Any Comments before you start to work on the Review?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Another Caper?

Bad News. I was not surprised by the answer from the Marinoff School but the Flanagan’s certainly were. Earlier Moose’s dad had told him that he was not sure Moose’s mom could handle another disappointment. How does she handle this one?

Moose’s reaction is a surprise to me. He decides not to take the news without putting up fight for Natalie. He calls on his ‘inner Piper’ to formulate a plan. I did not know he had it in him! His plan seems a bit farfetched to me. Do you think it will work?

…and what is up with Piper? (I seem to be asking that question most days.) Did she really learn her lesson from the Shirt Caper? It sounds like she did. If you were Moose, would you trust her?

One more day of reading and we will be at the end. Do you remember the ‘big questions’ we asked as we were getting going? If not, can you find them?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Phone Call

Ben, in today’s chapters (35 & 36) we will find out if Natalie gets back into the Marinoff school or not. Based on how Natalie has changed since the last time she was there, do you think she will get back in or not? (Your response should use specific evidence from the text.)

Today, with everyone having a cell phone nearby, it is hard to imagine a time when a building only had one phone that everyone shared. Near the end of today’s reading we find the Flanagan’s having a big celebration dinner after Natalie had a good interview day at the Marinoff School. Though the food sounds good, they are probably all (with the probable exception of Natalie) feeling anxious as they wait to hear Mrs. Caconi coming to tell them that there is a phone call for them. That phone call will deliver the news about whether Natalie is back in the school or not. What is your prediction?
The message delivered on the phone may not be the most important message that Moose hears that day. His mother’s comments to him earlier in the day are probably more important. What did she tell him?

The issue of Natalie’s age gets resolved today. Moose forces the issue. It was a hard thing for him to do. What event caused him to talk to his Mom? How is getting Natalie’s mom to acknowledge that she is really 16 important for Natalie?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Natalies Birthday

(From Ben) Today, we are reading chapters 33 and 34. It tells us that Natalie’s birthday was the day before the meeting. They have many questions at the beginning, but one stands out:
Should we celebrate Natalie’s birthday?
Do you think it was a good idea, or will it lead to more trouble?

I noticed that the first person asked was piper. It is obvious that Moose was not very happy about that. Do you think there is any particular reason that Moose did not want Piper besides the obvious?

I also noticed that Natalie wanted to invite Annie. I was wondering if you thought there was any particular reason for inviting her. It seems odd, considering she has not spent very much time with her.

During the birthday, Natalie is given a bag of buttons. Why do you think she was given it, if she had her buttons taken from her?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ben's Turn

I usually read the two chapters of the day just before adding the days entry to the Blog. I have not read ahead and do not know how the book is going to end.

When I write this entry I am looking for ways to connect what we are reading to experiences Ben may have had. Sometimes I ask him to write on that personal experience before reading the chapter. The hope is that by first recalling his experience he will be better able to understand the chapter.

I look for common threads, interesting comments, or key moments that I think are worth discussing. Kris sends me ideas and sometimes I use her ideas but make them sound like mine. (She keeps sending me ideas so I guess that does not bother her too much.)

Today I want to do something different. Today it is Ben's turn. I want him to read Chapter 33 & 34 and prepare the blog entry like I would. Kris is welcome to help (She can send him an email or he can send one to her asking for help. No Blog posts). If he gets stuck in the mud a little he may want to go back and look at a couple of the earlier posts and see how they are related to the chapters.

Ben needs to send me an email by 7:45 am Friday. I will post it and follow it as a guide to those chapters.

Loose ends

With Part Three ahead, we have many loose ends to tie up before the book comes to a close. List some things you think need to be resolved to bring the book to a satisfying conclusion.

For example: I want to know how 105 knew Moose's name and that he was looking for a Baseball. Natalie certainly could not have told him.
I also want to know how 105 brought about such a transformation in Natalies personality.

These are just a few of the things I am wondering about. What about you?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Quick Read

Chapter 32 gets us to the end of Part 2 so we will stop there today. Only 2 Pages! (You do not even have to turn the page!)

Moose’s Mom and Dad have a talk when she returns home from her work. His dad seems to have been stung a bit by Moose’s comment “Why do you always do what Mom tells you? “ (p 172) and he reacts by being firm with Moose’s mom.

Moose cannot hear all of the conversation but at one point says, “I think about what my dad said. I think so hard it makes my head ache.” His father had said a number of things and I was not sure which part Moose was referring to. What did his father say that made him think so hard?

(We are using the extra time today to work on the Lyric Poem.)

Monday, December 10, 2007


Ben: Do you remember a time when you had something you wanted to tell someone but were afraid to tell them so you didn’t? What did you do? How did you feel?

As Chapter 30 beings, Moose is still carrying around his worries about what happened when Natalie met 105. He tried to tell his parents “without really telling them” (p157) but did not get his message across. Now he is trying get up the courage to tell his mom what happened. What is his reason for not telling her?

His alternative to the truth is to keep Natalie inside. There is an interesting family thing going on here. His mom knows he is not taking Natalie out but does not confront him? Why not? Instead she takes the buttons with her one day. Does her plan work?

At the end of Chapter 31 Moose has the perfect chance to tell his father about 105 but instead asks him a different question. That was really a hard question to be carrying around and it sounds like Moose has been carrying it for a long time. How do you think he feels about his father’s response?

Friday, December 7, 2007

Sweet Dreams?

Time to take a break from reading for a day and think about what is going on here.

You are Moose, laying in your creepy bed (how did he describe it early in the book?) and thinking about:
Nat, 105, Piper, his Mom, his Dad, Scout, Baseball, his old house, Marinoff School, Annie, Theresa, Jimmy…….

So many concerns and worries! How does he ever fall asleep?

What do you think his last thought is as his body finally gives into he fatigue and drifts off to sleep?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

What is a boy to do?

Ben: Write about a time that you had to tell your parents something that you knew would not make them happy. How were you feeling before, during, and after? Use specifics.

Moose seems to have learned his lesson from the Laundry caper. He immediately realized that he needed to tell his mom and dad about Nat meeting 105. Unfortunately the conversation did not go the way he thought it would.

I am a little more worried about Moose’s mom. We have seen that she is working hard to find something to help Nat, and we have seen that it is very hard on her when Nat does not get better. Early on we heard about Nat having a 10th birthday every year. I was thinking this was just an unspoken agreement within the family. In Chapter 28 we learn that Moose’s mom has convinced herself that it is really true. I probably should have seen this before. I wonder how Moose’s father is feeling. He seems to be working almost nonstop and also worrying about everyone in his family. He must be really worn out.

Moose’s parents are too focused on getting her back into the Marinoff school to hear what Moose is telling them, and he is left alone to worry about what really happened when 105 met Nat. Plus he has the added worry of Piper and her schemes. I must say I have still not figured Piper out. Is she not worried about Nat’s safety or does she think 105 is harmless? Or is she just so self-focused that she does not contemplate the possible bad outcomes?

What would you do if you were Moose?

Curious: As soon as Piper gives Scout the baseball from 105 she stops talking to him. What is that about?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Today’s reading (ch 26 & 27) raises many questions and answers few of them.

Early in the book we asked ‘What is wrong with Natalie?’ There were many signs that she had some serious problems. Then she was kicked out of the school that had been the reason for the family moving to San Francisco in the first place. What is a little unclear to me is if that was meant as a turning point for her or not. Is Natalie getting better? If we look back over the last few chapters we can see some ways in which her behavior seems to have improved. In the past few chapters Natalie has had some moments when Moose sees some normalcy in her, but those moment are often balanced by continued odd behavior.

Before reading, go back and make a list of some of the things she done since that last big breakdown that have cause Moose to seem hopeful – if only momentarily sometimes.

I do not want to foreshadow what will happen in today’s reading. A bad (and perplexing) situation is made even worse by – guess who - Piper! Moose’s head must really be spinning now. What do you think he will do next? How do you think Piper will use this information? (I think it goes without say that she will use it for her own good!)

NOTE 1: I thought it was interesting how when Moose was most upset with Piper he sackowledged how cute she was. Strange.

NOTE 2: The changes in Natalie are a bit confusing to me. In the Author’s note we read that Natalie’s character was patterned after her autistic sister. I know this as a condition that is not ‘curable’ – though I believe people can be helped to gain a greater sense of awareness of the world around them. I was reading an article a couple of days ago about how it has been shown that Autistic Symptoms can improve temporarily when the person has a fever. Strange.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The chapters are short and the action is a little slim so we are adding an extra one and reading Chapters 23-25 today.

Ben, before you start reading, let’s take a brief step back to the topic of a ‘Fresh Start’. What suggestion would you offer to a kid that really wanted to impress another kid?

Yesterday I wrote about Moose being infatuated with Piper. Infatuation (by definition) includes an irrational component. That irrational side becomes visible as Moose gets upset by the ‘relationship’ between Scout and Piper. Just knowing that they are talking with each other really bothers Moose. I wonder if he understands why this is upsetting to him.

His response to being upset is to become focused (obsessed?) on finding a ‘Convict Baseball’ for Scout. It seems like he feels he has something to prove. What does he hope to prove to Scout by finding him a baseball?

Monday, December 3, 2007


It was an icy morning here in West Hartford. The School of Dad pondered a Half Day but settled on a late start instead. ‘Icy’ might be a good word to describe how Moose is feeling about Piper in Chapter 20. Or is he? I always get this feeling that Moose is really fascinated by Piper but does not want to let on. ‘Fascinated by’ or ‘infatuated with’ – which fits better and do you agree?

Chapter 20 gets us caught up. What has happened in the last two months? Make a list.

In Chapter 21 we see more clearly Moose’s soft side. Since we are using some big words today – I think that Moose shows ‘empathy’ for Mrs. Capone. What does empathy mean? Do you agree or disagree with me?

Does the way he is feeling make sense to you? Why or Why not?

Friday, November 30, 2007


Now that we are half way through the book, I think it would be a good time to stop and make some predictions about what we think will happen in the second half. Where do we find ourselves today? (A list would be in order.)

What do you expect to happen in the next chapter? How will the book finish?

Of course wild guesses are fun, but predictions using evidence we have acquired so far are probably more likely to occur.

(I saw a list of predictions for ‘the next 100 years’ that was published in Ladies Home Journal in 1900. You might find it interesting. I wonder what evidence they used to develop their predictions. Click here to see the article.)

Second Half reading begins Monday.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Chapters 17 through 20 get us to the end of the first half of the book. They are short chapterrs but a lot happens. There are many ‘interesting’ events, but I thought two things were critical.

The first is that without much setup we find that Natalie has become part of the group. Theresa, Jimmy, Annie, and even Piper treat Natalie in a friendly, respectful way. They seem to understand the things that she likes and does not like and they support her. This book is written in the ‘first person’ – as if Moose is talking to us. He acknowledges how the kids treat Natalie but he does not make any special note of it – except on page 111 where he says with some surprise, “it is almost as if she is part of our group”. She is part of the group – and it happened without him noticing. How did that happen?

The other event that I thought was critical was Moose’s surprise at his father’s anger over Moose’s participation (or non-participation) in the shirt laundering scheme. He seemed perplexed that his father would be angry just because Moose did not tell him what was going on while it was occurring. Pg 120 “you don’t want me to be a snitch do you?” When do you tell (and risk being a ‘snitch’, ‘tattle-tale’, ‘teachers pet’) and when do you stay silent (and risk something bad happening)?

(While not a ‘critical’ event, I thought it was interesting when the warden had the kids hand over the cash that was earned from the caper. Jimmy and Annie gave him money. Moose did not have any to give. The warden did not ask Piper if she had any. Moose thinks Piper will squirm out of this. What do you think?)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fresh Start

Today (Wednesday) we are taking a reading break. As our family plans for a move, Ben has been thinking a lot about getting a ‘Fresh Start’, and specifically how he can take best advantage of this opportunity. He keeps wondering – How can he be sure to have a good ‘Fresh Start’?

We were talking about this in the car on Tuesday and I told Ben that I was reminded of Moose. His move to Alcatraz had been an opportunity for him to have a ‘fresh start’ but he had been focused on what was bad about moving and never allowed himself to contemplate that good things were possible as well. (So far the move has lived ‘up’ to his expectations.)

So – What can Ben learn from Moose? What could Moose have done differently as he arrived in this new place that would have left him happier then he is now?

From a more practical standpoint (or from those that have not read the book), what should Ben be thinking about as he prepares for his Fresh Start (now tentatively scheduled for January 22nd)?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Taken to the Cleaners

Ben, before reading Chapters 15 & 16, I would like you to write about how you try to get someone to do something that they do not want to do. Please use a specific example.

In Chapter 15 we will follow Moose as he tries to get Natalie to do something she does not want to do. What does he try? What doesn’t work? What does work? (Make a list.)

One of my favorite moments in the book so far happens in Chapter 16. Natalie, Moose, Annie, and Jimmy are riding the ferry with all of the shirts that need to be returned to the kids at Moose’s school. A guard (on his day off) is also riding the ferry. He is wondering why they have all that stuff. Piper explains (lies) the reason. I love what he says to her. Do you think he believed her?

There is one other interesting moment in Chapter 16. After giving the shirts back, one of the kids is not very satisfied and gets mad at Piper, but both Scout and Moose defend her. Why do they do that?

(We are almost half way through the book! Chapters 17 & 18 are short, so we are reading right through 20 tomorrow.)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Latest Plan

It seems like a long time since we did any reading! (Vacations are great!) Before we read chapters 13 & 14, can you summarize in one paragraph what has happened so far? (Yes Ben, I want you to do that.)

In Chapter 13 we learn of Moose’s mother’s latest plan for helping Natalie. How does Moose feel about the plan? How will the plan affect him? Based on what we know about Natalie, how would you predict that she would react?

We know that Alcatraz is a prison. It could also be said that Moose is a prisoner of Alcatraz. Do you agree or disagree?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Anybody Out There?

Chapters 11 & 12 give us much to think about. Chapter 11 is a good lesson in Flanagan Family history and Chapter 12 gives us a clearer view of Piper the manipulator.

I found Chapter 12 very entertaining, but since it is almost Thanksgiving and there is a lot of shopping and cooking to do, I want to focus on Chapter 11. Clearly Natalie’s mom has done everything she can to help Natalie. Can you make a list of all of the things she has tried in her quest to help her? (Note: Some of them were outlined before Chapter 11.)

(Ben, I think it may be time for you to revisit your opinion regarding what is wrong with Natalie.)

The family clearly sacrificed a lot to get Natalie in the Ester P. Marinoff School. Why did they school reject her? What do you think about a place that would turn someone away for that reason?

As we get ready for a break, it would be a good time to revisit the ‘Essential Questions” outlined as we started the book. Go back and read them. Has the book helped us to frame any answers yet. (Piper seems awfully powerful, yet she is certainly not physically strong. What makes her so powerful?)

Oh - and by the way - IS ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE? (Except for you Kris!)

The Phone Rings

Before getting going, Ben (and anyone else that would like to – strongly encouraged), please take a moment and write your thoughts on the statement “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.” As always, use personal experience.

Chapters 9 & 10 will bring us back to ‘the Rock’. The number of girls in Moose’s life will expand by one, and all of them – his mom, Natalie, Piper, Theresa, and Annie (the latest girl) are pushing and pulling at him in one way or another. Moose definitely has girl problems! Most surprising to me is how he lets Theresa (7!) manipulate him. She is not very subtle about it but he goes along anyway. Is Moose too nice for his own good?

Moose does not want to participate in Piper’s shirt cleaning plan. Two characters pressure / encourage him to do so. Contrast the way they try to get him to help. (Use quotes.)

Finally, some news regarding Natalie comes via phone. Moose could tell his mom first but instead he tells his Dad. Why do you think he chose to NOT tell his Mom?

(The website is a little wierd, but I like this MAP on the Alcatraz History website. Where was Moose when he was playing catch?)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Rule Breaker?

Chapters 7 and 8 are on the plate for today. With our move to Ohio on the horizon, I had special sympathy for Moose as he started his first day of school in a new place. It does not tell us how Moose was feeling as he got ready to go to school but I bet he was very nervous . (Imagine the fun of a boat ride from Alkatraz to San Francisco when you aready have a nervous stomach!) I can see Moose at the breakfast table with his Mom trying to make him feel better. "Moose, it is easy to make friends when you are new." How would you respond to that question? (Ben please write a response - using your own experience - before reading the chapters.)

When you read the chapters I think you will be surprised to find that Moose quickly breaks one of the Warden’s rules. Which rule did he break and what was he thinking as he did it?

Chapter 8 finds Moose playing baseball with some new school friends. The game clearly has a special place in Moose’s life. How would you describe what baseball means to him? Do you have something that fills a similar role for you?

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Warden Calls

At the end of Chapter 4, Moose says, “I always do what I am supposed to do”. I have noticed that the main character in most popular teen fiction is usually mischievous. By contrast, Moose seems like he is always doing his best to be a good son, brother, and friend.

Before reading chapters 5 & 6, I am going to have Ben do a quick write on the question: “Should you always do what you are supposed to do?” I will be looking for meaningful, personal examples to support his point of view. How would you answer the question?

Today’s reading includes Moose being called to visit the Warden. Piper, the warden’s daughter, ends up sitting in on the meeting and it could be argued that she orchestrated its conclusion. (I added a link to a virtual tour of Alcatraz. It mostly shows places in Australia but if you open the ‘places’ dropdown at the bottom you will find Alcatraz. Once there, see if you can find the Warden’s office.)

Who would you say was the most powerful person in the meeting – Moose, Piper, or the Warden? What is your Evidence?

Somehow this is not going to turn out well for Moose. Any idea how?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Are you keeping up?

Chapters 3 & 4 today. We are going to be introduced to a new character - Piper. When I read I often have a hard time keeping the characters straight. I do not think I will have a hard time remembering Piper. She seems like a tough bird. What's with that name? Do you think the Author had a specific reason for calling her 'Piper'.

(In the right column I have added a 'Characters' list. I have tried to list them in order of importance. Where should I put Piper?)

The book shifts gears a bit in Chapter 4. Moose clearly has very complicated feelings for his sister. How would you describe that relationship?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lets Get Started!

Time to get reading.

Wendesday we will read chapters 1 & 2. The plan is to read a couple of chapters each day. Before reading, check in here and you might find a thought or question to ponder while enjoying the book. Then return and offer your comments.

Yes, it is a fun book to read but we want to be thinking about some larger questions as well. Park these in the back of your brain and we will come back to them as we learn more:

  1. How does a person become part of a group?

  2. How does a person decide who to trust?

  3. What makes a person powerful?

As we get going, pay close attention to the characters defining qualities - and don't forget their names! I will figure out a way to post a list of their names and other information here.

(The School of Dad is in great deabt to their Launguage Arts Advisor - Kris - for help in directing this examination of ACDMS. We are greatly in her debt.)

As I read the first two chapters I was left with many questions. A big one for me was, "What is wrong with Natalie?" Any thoughts?

Pop Quiz

Did Al Capone Die in Prison?

If so, what prison.


We will be using this blog for our 'Al Capone Does My Shirts' (by Gennifer Choldenko) reading group. We will start reading the book tomorrow. (11/14)

Exactly how this blog will be used is a bit unclear and will evolve.

Before we get reading we should probably get some information about Al Capone. Reply with any interesting facts and the source of that information.


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