Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jack's destiny?

(Ch 8-10) If Jack could get his mind off of the miserable food offerings, he could have learned a lot about the various Applewhites at dinner. What could he have learned about each family member? (either list each person or update the character tree).

I am starting to like Destiny. We have not definitively learned the source of his name. Any guesses?

(What do you think a bowl of Cheerios with Goat milk would taste like?)


Ben said...

In chapter eight, everyone was at the dinner table, the main focus being on Jeremy Bernstein, even though E.D. said “That shows how little he understands.” We found out that destiny likes to finger paint, Sybil has been working on a book since Cordellia was in kindergarten, and that E.D. is the only person who knows when grocery shopping is needed, just as examples. I found it interesting that it’s predicted Sybil’s new book would be the “Novel of the new century”. This also tells us that it’s just after 2000, or 1000, if there was everything in the book back then.

I really don’t know why Destiny is named Destiny. I have met many kids in real life with word names, and their names had really no origin other than the word. While you may think otherwise, I think this is the case.

Also, goats’ milk is awful. Now, when in cheese form…

Mr. Z said...

We learned in these chapters that though they may seem a little goofy, all of the Applewhite adults have some fame (even if it is very little).

He is known for his handcrafted furniture.

He has directed plays in New York.

Sybil was born ‘Debbie’ but changed her name many years ago. Her mysteries are popular but she would like to be a more serious writer. It is interesting to me that she never shared what she was working on with the rest of her family.

He also makes furniture, though it is more art than practical.

Has published books of poetry.

The kids have not established themselves outside the family yet but:
Cordellia is a dancer.
Hal sees himself as a artist – though others rarely see him at all.
Destiny is ---4 years old.

E.D. is upset that her names never comes up when discussing artistic talents, though in many ways she seems the smartest and sanest one of them all. (I think Jake missed this point.)

Mr. Z said...


While some may disagree, style is not more important then substance. It is important to focus on answering the question rather then saying it in a funny way.


Anonymous said...

So while the "average family member' seems to almost have special artistic powers, E.D. complains about being the "invisible Applewhite" who may as well not even be in the room. Why does Jake, who does all kinds of things for attention-lie, dye and spike his hair, swear, and smoke, not understand why she is upset with not being noticed? She does seem sane and almost normal but she clearly suffers from a lack of attention. does that give her something in common with Jake?

As for Destiny, aside from the meaning of the name as a word, I don't know where his name comes from but I'm sure it has some special meaning. He's quite the energetic, indefatigable 4-year old. I think his energy is going to have a lot to do with any changes Jake might make while at the Creative Academy.