Monday, March 31, 2008


Three questions (if I can remember them):
1 - What is your earliest memory?
2 - If you were allowed to pick one memory that you would never forget, what would it be? (I laughed a bit as I typed this one because at my age I may have already forgotten my best memory!) Why?
3 - If you could buy a memory eraser that would only remove one memory, which one would you pick? Why?

How right is Ryter?

We seem to finish books at the worst times. We finished reading LBITU just as spring break started. Time to get the brain working again.

The Last Book in the Universe, was the 4th book we read together. Previously we read Something Upstairs, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, and Al Capone Does My Shirts (our first blogged book).

As I looked back at some of the quotes in the "Ryter Right?" section, I realized that each of them could have been said by a character in one of those previous books and it would have seemed entirely appropriate. (I also thought about how the quote that appears at the beginning of Something Upstairs - what is that name for that again? - would fit in very nicely along with Ryter's quotes.)

Can you take each of the Quotes from 'Ryter Right?' and assign them to a character in one of the previous books and note when that character could have said it? (Try to use all three books at least once.) Also, give the Something Upstairs quote to someone from LBITU - but not Ryter.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Two more chapters left. Before you read, what loose ends are you hoping with be tied up and how do you think they will turn out?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Back to the Stacks

It must have been quite a shock to the system for Spaz, Bean, and Ryter as they were immediately taken from Eden and returned to the latches. Spaz and Bean did not even have time for proper goodbyes.

Spaz (and I) was shocked when Ryter seemed happy to get back to his cubicle in the stacks. Why is he not as upset as Spaz? Is he zoomed?

Ryter has a sense of foreboding about his own future but he is not fearful for Spaz. He tells Spaz that he has nothing to fear from Billy Bizmo but he does not say why. Did you figure out the same thing that Ryter did?

As soon as they hear the Jetbikes, Ryter know that they are coming for him. What event has gotten people in the latch so angry? How would you describe Ryter's demeanor as the mob gets ready to 'wheel' him?

Then Billy Bizmo drops the bombshell. How do you think Spaz will react? Were you surprised?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Eden for who?

In Chapter 28 things take a turn, and it would not seem it is for the better. The early part of the chapter it feels like the Author is referencing another very well known story. What is it?

How would you describe Spaz's demeanor in as he sits with Bean. How does his current personality compare with the Spaz we first met?

In Chapter 29 Lanaya gives an impassioned speech. How does what she say show how her thinking has changed since Spaz first met her by the 'mall'?

The other Proovs seem unmoved by her speech. Why do you think that is? What does this mean for Bean, Spaz, and Ryter?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So the genetic changes have cured Bean but has she been improved? Did she need improving? It does not sound like it to me.

We learn more about Spaz's special bond with Bean in todays chapters (26 & 27) - yet I think there is more for us to learn about it. Maybe there is even more for Spaz to learn. One sequence makes it clear how smart Bean is and causes Jin to rethink one of the proov stereotypes about normals. What happened?

In an earlier chapter Lanaya pondered if there was something special about Spaz because the latch bosses all knew who he was and seemed to be protecting him. Now we have Bean that would seem to be much smarter then her parents and clearly has something very special about her. What is going on here?

How do you think the Proovs of Eden will respond when they hear Bree's news?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nice House

(Think there are ever 'Snow Days' in Eden?)

Chapters 24 & 25 give us some more insight into the calamity that leaves the earth in its present state. What did we learn? Based on the text, how long ago did the 'big shake' happen? What was the consequence?

Nice house! Ryter and Spaz were taken into the 'thinkspace' and given the oppotunity to visit anyplace that they want. What places did they chose? Where would you choose to go? Why?

Lanaya's 'contributers' are not happy that she brought the normals into Eden. Why?

Jin is hesitant to believe that proovs could be providng probes to the latches. Ryter offers his opinion of why proovs might be doing it. What does Ryter think?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Eden and the Urbs?

Ben's idea of where the different Latches are. The reason the Vandals Latch isn't connected to the other Latches is because Lanaya took them through the forbidden zone to get there.

Blue and Grey

Just as Spaz, Ryter, Lanaya and Little Face are getting ready to leave take Bean to Eden, a loud commotion precedes the news of who won the Vandals / Bleek battle. What happened to Vida Bleek?

What role did Spaz and his friends play in the outcome? Should they feel good or bad about that?

Lotti seems happy to let them go. Why?

As they enter Eden, we learn about its features and more about the ‘Urb’ that surrounds it. How would you describe the Urb? Any features of the Urb that you find particularly shocking? Draw a map showing what we know about how things are laid out.

One thing that intrigues me was on page 158. Lanaya describes how things are designed in Eden so that you do not often see other people. She described how she knew kids were playing in the nearby woods but they could not see them because they were wearing camouflage clothing. Why do you think they want to be invisible to one another?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Finding a cure

In Chapter 20 Spaz gets to see Bean. During his trip to visit her he has been thinking that it will have one sort of outcome. When he actually sees her he realizes the outcome will be something different. What does actually seeing Bean make him understand?

He also learns something interesting from Bean about the runner. What is that?

(It might be a good time to look back at what we know so far about why Spaz was forced to leave the latch. I think the real reason he was exiled must be more complicated and tied in with what Lanaya said after they survived the initial Vandals/Furies battle. Any ideas?)

I am interested to learn more about Eden. In Chapter 21 they are off to find some help for Bean but Lanaya does not seem aware of what actual help is available. This means to me that Proovs do not need medical care. I guess they don’t get sick. (Do they die?)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Bleek Outlook?

In Chapter 18 we learn the source of the ‘Probes’. Were you surprised to hear where they were coming from? This source could be smuggling probes only for the money or there could be other reasons. Can you think of a reason other then money that they would provide Probes?

As Spaz gets close to his house in Chapter 19 he says, “there’s nothing so bad it can’t get worse.” What is the basis for this comment and what is he concerned about?

The most intriguing news to me in these Chapters was that Lanaya thinks there must be something special about Spaz. What is her evidence? Any guesses regarding how he is special?

(Don’t be a ‘googan’ – p 132 -, answer all the questions.)


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