Friday, March 7, 2008

Blue and Grey

Just as Spaz, Ryter, Lanaya and Little Face are getting ready to leave take Bean to Eden, a loud commotion precedes the news of who won the Vandals / Bleek battle. What happened to Vida Bleek?

What role did Spaz and his friends play in the outcome? Should they feel good or bad about that?

Lotti seems happy to let them go. Why?

As they enter Eden, we learn about its features and more about the ‘Urb’ that surrounds it. How would you describe the Urb? Any features of the Urb that you find particularly shocking? Draw a map showing what we know about how things are laid out.

One thing that intrigues me was on page 158. Lanaya describes how things are designed in Eden so that you do not often see other people. She described how she knew kids were playing in the nearby woods but they could not see them because they were wearing camouflage clothing. Why do you think they want to be invisible to one another?