Thursday, September 4, 2008

Strange Feeling

As I was reading "Third Picture" (P3), three words came to mind for describing Hollis : "Proud", "Contrary", "Fragile". Can you find specific references in the text that would support or contradict using those words to characterize her?

In Chapter 3 (C3), Hollis twice references having a 'strange feeling'. Can you more specifically describe what you think she is feeling?

List items in P3 & C3 (specific text references) that:
a) clarify why Hollis finds herself at Josies House
b) introduce character traits, conflicts, or other plot elements that you feel are significant to the future chapters.

What was the green stuff they put on the popcorn?


Ben said...

In chapter P3, I think I know where dad chose those words from:

*Proud: My feet anchored into the sand. I edged myself back, pulling on the rod, and then the fish was mine.
*Contrary: I remember Izzy touching my shoulder as she went to get something from the kitchen.

Why do I have to mess up everything?

*Fragile: Steven’s arm was in my elbow then, holding me up, and the Old Man called, “You’re all right, Hollis.”

When Hollis is mentioning the strange feeling, she’s mentioning a minor form of nostalgia. She mentions not holding anyone’s hand for a while. She then says Izzy was the last one to hold her hand, has a flashback, and seems to want the past back. That defines nostalgia.

These are the reasons I think she finds herself at Joseys house :

*”its your’s forever, even when you leave me.

I wont leave.”

*I was getting used to Henry.

*I comforted myself with the thought of sitting in Josie’s living room after supper every night, sweet chocolates melting on our tongue’s, wood shavings around our feet.”

*I drew in my breath at the reflection. No scar, no freckles, and my sandy hair, which usually poked out in all directions, looked soft, almost curly. I looked different, almost…
pretty wasn’t eve nthe word.

Traits, Characters, and places introduced:

*Josie’s forgetfulness

*Hollis‘s fragility


*Old man’s mountain

*The island theater

*The lake

I don’t know the exact contents of the sauce, but I think it has a sweet-salty apple flavor. I mean like the apple flavor in most apple flavored candy, not in actual apples.

Mr. Z said...

I thought Hollis was being 'Proud' when Steven asked her if she knew how to fish and she answered "If I wanted to" rather then 'no'.(pg 26)

I thought she was being contrary when Izzy announced they were having Pole Beans for dinner. Steven said, 'Yuck' so Hollis said 'I like pole beans' even though she did not know what they are. (pg 27)

The 'Fragile' part is more a feeling. She seems to have made herself very tough on the outside to protect her inside from the many hurts she has experienced and expects to feel in the future.

I thought the 'feeling' was that she was feeling like an outsider - someone that is not 'normal' like people in regular families. Your comment regarding nostagia is a little different but might be better then mine. I have to think about it.

I thinkl the most important thing we learned in Chapter 3 was that Josie is forgetful. Something is wrong. Will it get worse? What will that mean for Hollis?

Kris C said...

I'm contrasting Hollis's wanting to forget with Josie's inability to remember. Josie tries to cover for herself when she forgets and Hollis keeps giving the reader clues that she is unhappy with something that she remembers and wants to push aside. Do you find the idea that she has a secret intriguing?