Friday, September 19, 2008

Not Moving On

(p68-96) For a variety of reasons it has been over a week since we last spent time with Hollis Woods. One nice thing about books is that they have great patience and simply sit and wait until you are ready to pick them up again and move on. Evidently Hollis is not ready to move on.

In today’s chapters Hollis forms a plan for dealing with her likely move away from Josie. When she arrived at Josie’s she was not willing to commit to staying. Now she does not want to leave. We know that she feels a responsibility to take care of Josie. What other reasons does she have for wanting to stay?

What is her plan? Does she seem to have thought it through? What possible problems could she encounter?

Extra: Can you find on a map the route that she describe taking in chapter 10?


Ben said...

There are multiple reasons Hollis could want to stay with Josie:
1. Josie needs her (post example)
2. Both of them are artists
3. Hollis feels like she has a family with her when around Josie
4. Josie is very kind to Hollis
5. They seem to agree with each other often

On the other question, Hollis hasn’t quite thought her plan through. She remembered that the Regans don’t use their summer house in the winter. Her plan is to stay in the Regans summer house. However, has she thought about what would happen in the summer?

Kris C said...

I don't believe that Hollis can think that far ahead, a whole season. She seems to be figuring it out one day at a time. The crazy thing about going to the Regan's house is that while she is trying to avoid them after that one summer, she is exposing herself to them by using their home. She might just see it as expedient to use their empty home, but I like to think she might see some unfinished business with them that she cannot just dismiss and move on from.