Monday, May 19, 2008

What's in the Cards?

I am enjoying all of the interesting characters that the Author is introducing in the story. Some have a clear role (i.e. the fortune telling crime victim, Madame Nashira). Other characters are interesting but I am wondering if there is a greater purpose for their seemingly random introduction in the book. An example is found in Chapter 6. Sammy and Marissa do not find their favorite treat at the local store so they head out to see if a street vendor has them. His name is Oscar and the detail with which he is described makes it seem likely that he will have a further role to play later in the story. Any ideas how his abilities/disabilities could become important later on?

It was a memorable first day of school for Sammy. There seems to be many potholes in her life right now. Luckily she has Marissa as a friend as she seems like a stabilizing influence for Sammy. The girls certainly have very different backgrounds. What do you think is the key to their friendship? (Possible clue is found early in Chapter 5.)

Finally, just for fun we are assigning a chapter title to each chapter since Draanen did not. What are your suggestions for 5 & 6?


Ben said...

I would call chapter 5 “whack”. I would have to call chapter 6 “there’s milk in those!”.

I can see a way Oscars disabilities will help out with the mystery. Have you ever noticed how people with disabilities have their other senses extremely acute? It seems like that can have a big effect.

I think the reason Marissa and Sammy are friends is that they stand up for each other. Take lunch, for instance. Sammy warned Marissa that Heather was trying to mooch her. But that got her into a fight. One punch, and blood was dripping down her face. Never a good sign.

Mr. Z said...

Chapter 5: Suspended Reflection
Chapter 6: Double Dynamo Duo

I have no idea how, but I am confident that Oscar’s ability to use the change machine will prove important to the outcome of this story.

One important piece of Sammy and Marissa’s relationship is that Sammy does not view Marissa differently because she has a lot of money. Marissa knows that she can trust Sammy to be her friend because Sammy likes her, not her money. We have not seen a lot of the relationship yet, but I sense that Marissa likes Sammy’s feistiness.

(As for the Double Dynamo – Why has nobody thought of this before? I did a quick search and could find no source for a two scoop drumstick! Maybe this is a fundraising opportunity for the S.O.D.)

Anonymous said...

I'm of the same mind that Marissa and Sammy stick up for each other while respecting the other's differences. Marissa is going to buy Sammy the Double Dynamo which Sammy won't usually take, and Marissa depends on Sammy as we saw earlier when her brother was missing. Neither one liked it when Heather tried to get lunch money off Marissa and Marissa went to see Mr. Caan about how Sammy did get stuck with the pin.
Anyone think that Mr. Caan's name is pronounced like "con," to indicate that he is easily fooled?
Why all the attention to Oscar? Will his change-making ability become important or his figure 8 route he completes daily?
Cliff-hangar: What's Mrs. Graybill going to do now that she's caught Sammy and why does it appear Gram is masquerading as Sammy's mom?