Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blind Man's Bluff

Ben and I decided to celebrate the unveiling of the theif by going out for a Double Dynamo to eat while while we read Chapter 18 and learned his name. The local conviencience store did not have any Double Dynamos. It is a store that has an ice cream counter so we choose to have a cone with a large scoop instead. One of us has Black Raspbery Chip. The other had Cookies and Cream. Do I need to specify whioch of us had which?

We were not surprised by the unveiling since we were both very confident we knew who it was after reading yesterday's chapter. We were a bit surprised by Oscar's 'multiple personalities'.

What issues do you hope to get resolved in the final chapter?

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm kicking myself for not having noticed that the blind man needed his "glasses cleaned" earlier. That would have done it for me. I don't deserve the Double Dynamo but I'd settle for a large ice cream cone instead. I do like the way that this author quickens the pace of the reading when the action picks up. I was out of breath reading about Sammy trying to run away from Oscar.
What I'd like to see cleaned up is this whole thing with Heather. School is no fun when someone there hates you. especially someone whose power you've taken. I'd also like to see Sammy's residential issues resolved. I'm not sure that I care to learn more about her mother- we haven't seen or heard from her since about ch. 3 and it hasn't mattered, but I don't like wondering if Sammy is safely in with Gram. I'm off in search of ice cream after school.