Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Not What They Seem?

In Chapters 15 & 16 Sammy learns that a few things are not what they seem to be. I am getting the distinct feeling that the Author's Clues to the Hotel Thief may not be what they seem as well. I am standing by my previous post that TJ is somehow mixed up in this - but I am sensing that the Author wants me to think that and I am misinterpreting the clues. It must be significant that the Double Dynamo napkins have showed up twice. What other (then TJ) possible things could the napkin be telling us?

Sammy is getting worried that Borsch is starting to direct some attention at her as the criminal. If you were in his position do you think his 'suspicion' would be warranted?

Chapter 16 also brings a very satisfyting resolution to the Firehead incident. At least one thing has gone Sammy's way. Have we seen the last of Firehead in this book?

16 ends with the Best 'cliffhanger' so far. Is this a red herring or does she really know who did it? Any guesses who she thinks it is?

Bonus: I thought Grams signaled her feelings about Hudsen with something that she did but Sammy totally missed it. Do you know what I am talking about?

Note: Lets stretch it out a bit. Lets read one Chapter a day until we get to the end. (3 left).


Mr. Z said...

Based on the fact that there are only three chapters left, I am confident that Sammy knows who the thief is - but who?

(I am feeling a little silly for not having figured out before that the "HH" in "HH 323" must have refered to the Heavenly Hotel. Maybe I was trying to hard to connect TJ and his friend 'Hugh'.)

Wracking my brain has not given me any new insight as to who the thief is. That frustration is tempered by the happiness I felt for the clever way that Sammy got back at Heather. Something tells me Firehead will make another appearance in the book and it will not be a happy one.

Who could the thief be?

Double Dynamo lovers/handlers:
- Sammy
- Marissa
- Mikey
- TJ
- Oscar

It can't be any of the first three and Oscar makes no sense so it has to be TJ....but then again 'everything is not always what it seems to be'.......

Ben said...

I was thinking there could be a picture on the napkins. This is a possible list:
 Hudson: Boot
 T.J: Dollar sign/dollar bill
 Oscar (yeah, right): popsicle
 Heather (yeah, right, again): “revenge”
 Mrs. Gray bill: Another fake note
 Rommel: Erm, wait…
 Bill: Microphone/Radio
Of course, every note would have to have an HH on them.

I would have to say, it is pretty suspicious how she saw the thief, and to hear it makes it seem untrue. Then there’s the incident at Marissa’s house, and so on. I get his suspicion 100%.

NO. WE. HAVENT. I know she is going to pop up later in the book. When? I have no clue. ^Љ^ But she has to reappear. I think she may even be there when Sammy says who she thinks the thief is!

I don’t think this is a red herring. There are plenty of suspects, and besides, were too far in the book fir it to be a red herring. The only question is how the author fits Sammy proving who the thief is in three chapters…

Bonus: Lipstick. Sammy notice the lipstick, but I don’t think she thought it was that strange. Would you agree?

Mr. Z said...

Ben - your bonus answer of lipstick is not correct.

Anonymous said...

If TJ were the Hotel Thief we'd need a way for him to know about Gina's money and we don't have that. His own money troubles make it difficult to totally dismiss him as a suspect. Of course the Double Dynamo napkins are important and that does contribute information to develop the list of suspects, but it is not a limiting type of clue.
I like the author's use of knitting to spark Sammy's thinking. Real knitters tell me it does help you think freely, like running does for many of us. Borsch has no real reason to suspect Sammy, he just doesn't believe her story aobut where she lives. How did the thief get that note to Mrs. Graybill? Knowing that answer would help a lot in defining who the thief is. Could Sammy possibly be wrong when she says that she knows? this author uses so many red herrings I's have no trouble believing that she would throw us off track right until she reveals the answer.

Mr. Z said...

I disagree about TJ and Gina's money. She was in the store when she talked to her friend. He is nosey so it would not be surprising if he was listening in.

I did not think about the knitting connection, though I thought it was funny that Grams chose cowboy boots - Hudson's favorite - for her next project.