Friday, November 21, 2008


(Kris asked the following as a response to the last post. I have elevated it to a post of its own.)

Foreshadowing is a literary term. Can you figure out what it means?

Why does an author foreshadow?

Once you understand it, can you equate it to the way that tv or movies would use it?

Next, can you trace back and find evidence of foreshadowing in the novel? What event does it relate to? How is it being shown?

1 Comment:

Ben said...

Foreshadowing is a noun that refers to when an author gives subtle hints about things that will come later on in the book. For example, in movies, people will sometimes find items that will come in handy later. These items are foreshadowing upcoming events. Also, on treasure hunts, each hint has yet another subtle hint in it. In A Day No Pigs would Die, Robert is foreshadowing the death of Roberts’s father, and the fate of pinky. In the next chapter, we will most likely find out about both. However, considering how out there the events are, this is a very strong case of foreshadowing.