Monday, April 13, 2009

Chapter 3 - Connections?

Read chapter three and make a list of people, places, or events discussed that might be interesting to explore further.What items are the most interesting to you? What items would better help understand the context of the story?


Ben said...

The main thing we should study from this chapter is yosemite. The whole chapter practically took place in it! Plus, the chapter talks about all of these beautiful sights, but we don’t know what they actually look like. Two things that sound intriguing to me are Half Dome and the Bridal Veil Falls.

Kris C said...

Was Yosemite part of the big cross country excursion from a few summers ago?Did you take any pictures then that either were from this park or another that were as striking as Half Dome was to Ansel? I don't have this travelogue in my head available for comparison but I'm going back to my national parks book and see what strikes me.
Kris C.

Mr. Z said...

Ben, I think in selecting Yosemite you captured the key topic for better this point in time for Ansel Adams.

I would like to see a better list of other possible areas of exploration. As the original post asks, are the topics interesting to you, useful in better understanding Adams or both?