Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back At It

A variety of distractions got us off track but we getting back on track with Ansel again.

1 Comment:

Kris C said...

I know I'm going back here but I've been meaning to post this comment about the Spanish Flu Epidemic from 1918. How timely to have this post now with the latest version of Swine Flu or N1H1 as the government wants us to call it so as not to give pigs a bad name. My mother's father actually died of the Spanish Flu in either 1918 or 1919, she's not sure which as she was born in 1917 and not keeping track of things at that young age. Her mother was left with 2 boys, Bob and Bill, and my mother. She went out and took the only job available to Irish immigrants such as herself and began cooking and cleaning houses for a living. This led to a chain of events whereby my mother, whose birthday is in November, started school in first grade, as a 4-year old, and graduated at 16. One quick illness could really change a family's life back then.